ETMoney Genius Multi Asset Investment vs Multi Asset Mutual Funds


Multi-asset investing is gaining traction among investors who seek diversification and stability. ETMoney Genius Multi Asset Investment is a relatively new approach that leverages technology-driven portfolio allocation, whereas traditional Multi Asset Mutual Funds follow a more conventional route managed by fund houses. In this article, we will compare ETMoney Genius Multi Asset Investment with Multi Asset Mutual Funds to understand their key differences, advantages, and limitations.

What is ETMoney Genius Multi Asset Investment?

ETMoney Genius is a subscription-based investment advisory service that provides customized multi-asset allocation strategies. It dynamically recommends a portfolio composed of equity, debt, and gold ETFs or index funds, based on market conditions and risk appetite.

Features of ETMoney Genius Multi Asset Investment:

  • Personalized Investment Strategy: Tailored to an investor's risk profile.
  • Dynamic Asset Allocation: Adjusts investments based on market trends.
  • ETF-Based Portfolio: Uses exchange-traded funds (ETFs) for liquidity and low costs.
  • No Fund Manager Bias: Decisions are data-driven and algorithm-based.
  • Subscription-Based Model: Charges a flat fee rather than a percentage of assets under management (AUM).

What is a Multi Asset Mutual Fund?

Multi Asset Mutual Funds are traditional mutual funds that invest in at least three asset classes, such as equity, debt, and gold, to provide diversification. These funds are actively managed by professional fund managers.

Features of Multi Asset Mutual Funds:

  • Professional Fund Management: Handled by experienced fund managers.
  • Asset Allocation is Pre-Defined: Typically follows a fixed allocation strategy.
  • Regulated by SEBI: Ensures investor protection and compliance.
  • Expense Ratio-Based Fee Structure: Charges are a percentage of AUM.
  • Lower Investor Control: Allocation changes are at the discretion of the fund manager.

Comparison: ETMoney Genius vs Multi Asset Mutual Funds

Feature ETMoney Genius Multi Asset Multi Asset Mutual Funds
Investment Model Algorithm-driven Fund manager-driven
Customization High (tailored to risk) Low (same for all investors)
Expense Structure Subscription-based Expense ratio (AUM-based)
Asset Allocation Flexibility Dynamic Relatively static
Investment Vehicle ETFs & Index Funds Mutual Funds
Market Responsiveness Quick adjustments Slower due to fund mandates
Liquidity High (ETF-based) Moderate (mutual fund redemption restrictions)

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of ETMoney Genius Multi Asset Investment

  • More personalized and dynamic allocation.
  • Lower costs for large investments due to subscription pricing.
  • ETF-based approach ensures liquidity and tax efficiency.
  • No fund manager biases in investment decisions.

Disadvantages of ETMoney Genius Multi Asset Investment

  • Requires investor engagement to follow recommendations.
  • No historical track record compared to mutual funds.
  • May not suit investors preferring a hands-off approach.

Advantages of Multi Asset Mutual Funds

  • Professional fund managers handle asset allocation.
  • Suitable for passive investors who prefer long-term investing.
  • Regulated framework provides investor security.

Disadvantages of Multi Asset Mutual Funds

  • Higher expense ratio compared to ETF-based solutions.
  • Less flexible asset allocation as it follows a predefined strategy.
  • Can have exit loads and redemption restrictions.


Both ETMoney Genius Multi Asset Investment and Multi Asset Mutual Funds have their merits, and the right choice depends on an investor’s preference. ETMoney Genius is ideal for those who want a more dynamic and low-cost approach to asset allocation, whereas Multi Asset Mutual Funds are suitable for investors who prefer professionally managed, passive investment options.

Investors should evaluate their risk tolerance, investment horizon, and desired level of control before deciding between these two multi-asset investment approaches.


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